5 Tips for Hosting a Baby Shower

Baby showers are a traditional way to celebrate the arrival of a new baby, but they do much more than that. They help the new parents prepare for the upcoming addition to their family. Let's face it - babies are expensive! If you or someone you know is expecting a baby, they should most certainly have a baby shower.
This article is intended to give you some general tips on how to host a successful baby shower.

1.) Make sure you mail the invitations out at least two weeks before the scheduled time. Why? You want to make sure the guests you have invited have plenty of time to plan for attendance, but that they don't receive the invitations too far in advance that they completely forget about it and don't attend. Two weeks is the perfect time frame for invitations to ensure you have the most people attending. Remember, the shower is ultimately for the new parents to bring home as many baby supplies (gifts) as they can.

2.) You can have the shower anywhere, the only requirement is making sure there is enough room for the guest list. You don't want to have 30-40 people attending, only to have to squeeze them all into a tiny living room with no room for the guests to sit. Plan accordingly. If needed, a party room can and should be rented. If the weather permits, consider having the shower outside on a patio. You'll need to make sure you have enough chairs for the guests to sit still, but being outside tends to feel a little less claustrophobic.

3.) Food is an absolute must, however a full meal is not. Appetizers and finger foods are perfect for a shower. You can plan the menu based on the theme you selected. For example, if you have a cowboy themed shower (side note - you can choose any theme you wish) you can plan the menu around southwest food. Drinks can be kept to a minimum as well. Lemonade, iced tea and coffee are all great options.

4.) The cake is a great place to showcase the theme. You can order fancy cakes from a bakery, or make your own. Pull apart cupcakes are a great way to make it unique.

5.) Play games at the shower! Or at the very minimum plan for some sort of activities. This helps to make the guests feel more comfortable, but it also keeps the shower moving and not run into that "lull" that can sometimes happen at these types of events. If you play games, make sure you get prizes for the winners.
Contrary to popular belief, baby showers can be fun! With these 5 tips, you'll be well on your way to hosting a successful baby shower for that special mother to be.

source: http://EzineArticles.com/

Hair Transplantation : Frequently Asked Questions

What is hair transplantation ?
This is the relocation of the bald resistant hair follicles from the back and sides of the head to the balding areas on top of the head. Many people tend to wonder why they lose hair on top of the head and not at the back or at the sides.
The reason for this is because hair growing at the top of the head (balding zone) is usually susceptible to hormones that cause baldness. The main hormones that bring about baldness are androgens, DHT, and testosterone.
Hair growing at the back and sides of the head is usually resistant to the harmful hormones; therefore, it can't be lost.
Will the transplanted hair look natural?
Yes. This is because the transplanted hair is obtained from your body thus its identical to your natural hair. The good side is that hair transplanted to the balding zone is resistant to the hormones that cause baldness thus you are guaranteed that the hair will grow permanently.
How is the procedure done?
The procedure is usually done by a qualified and experienced surgeon. To ensure that its pain free, the procedure is done under anesthesia. It usually involves transplantation of hair from the back of the head to the front. Two of the most common techniques used are: FUE and harvesting.
In FUE, hair is obtained from the donor area and transplanted as individual follicular units. In this technique, no sutures are required. In addition to this, recovery is usually very fast.
In strip harvesting, a hair strip (which usually bears a one centimeter wide skin) is usually extracted from the permanent zone and taken to the balding zone. Prior to being transplanted, the hair strips are first dissected into individual follicular units. Here, sutures are required. The procedure also takes a longer time to heal.
Are there are any risks involved?
Yes. Just like everything else in life, there are a number of risks involved with hair transplantation. Some of the risks involved include:
Infections: in some cases, the surgeon may use contaminated tools which would result to bacterial, fungal, and even viral infections.
Breeding: breeding is also common. It usually results during removal of hair from the donor area. Although, just minimal bleeding is experienced, it can be uncomfortable for some people.
How much does the procedure cost?
There is no standard cost of the procedure. This is because the cost depends on a number of factors. Some of the factors that affect the cost include: location of the surgeon, reputation of the surgeon, and the number of grafts that need to be done
How does the procedure last?
The length of time required to complete the procedure depends on the amount of hair that needs to be transplanted.
In most cases, you will find that many surgeons transplant up to 2500 grafts in a single day; therefore, if you require 2500 grafts, the procedure will be completed in one day; however, if you require more than this, you will need several more days.

source: http://EzineArticles.com/

About Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera - there's a name! What does it mean to you? Have you heard of it? Do you know what the reputed benefits are?
This plant that looks like a cactus, is in fact, a member of the onion/lily family. Growing in desert type conditions to heights of five to six feet. There are over 200 varieties but only 7 have any health giving properties. The Barbadensis Miller is the main one used. Only the inner leaf gel should be used as the outer rind contains alloin with can cause stomach upset.
Some people believe that the health giving properties of the Aloe Vera plant really work and there are numerous testimonials from people who have received improvement for many conditions: joint pain, IBS, Crohns disease, Colitis, Diverticulitis, Osteo and Rheumatoid Arthritis, Eczema, Asthma, Prostate, Urinary, Psoriasis plus many more.
It is also said that Aloe Vera can also help improve and slow the signs of aging. Aloe Vera contains over 72 active ingredients along with 19 of the 20 Amino Acids that our bodies need. It also contains lignin, which allows the aloe to go down to the dermis layer of the skin, and improves appearance of skin from the inside out which has the anti aging effect. It also contains saponins which are a natural soapy substance so provides safe and gentle cleansing.
Other views are that some people do not believe and cannot see that something so natural and does not contain chemicals can help relieve or improve any symptoms. They would rather get a prescription from the doctor for instant relief, filling their bodies full of chemicals but which do not provide any long term benefits.
Animals are a guarantee'd proof of the health giving benefits as they cannot lie. If they have symptoms which show improvement after being given Aloe Vera then we can be pretty certain that the Aloe which has caused the improvement.
In conclusion, there are always going to be believers and non believers, and people who will not give it a try but continue to deny that it "could" help them. You can never get everyone to change their views and to be honest, this is perhaps a good thing as it doesn't do for us all to be the same.
It can also be said that you get what you pay for and there are lots of products which claim to contain Aloe Vera but in what amounts.

source: http://EzineArticles.com/